Admission Procedure
Queens’ College is not just a girl’s institution, it is the land where the timid seeds that is our little queens get the apt sustenance and awe-inspiring environment that makes them to shine bright and stand tall in this world of competition. The policy of “first comes first served” is followed for the admission of day boarders and hostellers. The School is open for students without any discrimination.
We feel immensely gratified towards all of you expressing an interest in Queens’ College, Indore. Investing in your children’s education is one of the most important decisions you will make in your lifetime and one that requires great thought. These are formative years, and the interactions made, through friendships and communications with teachers, will shape them for the future. At Queens’ College, Indore we offer a warm and cultivating ambience that brings up sharp learning skills, a top-of-the-line curriculum that offers the best in education and the strength and caliber to be great and successful human beings.
Admission Policy aims to match the objectives of the school with the goals and abilities of the student.These are important because they help our school establish rules, regulations, protocols and procedures. They create standards of quality in learning, safety as well as expectations and accountability.
Every student seeking admission in Queens’ College has to follow the norms as per given below :
Admission Policy for Various Classes

Nursery : Age Limit - 2 and ½ Years to 3 and ½ Years.
JR. K.G.: Age Limit - 3 and ½ Years to 4 and ½ Years.
SR. K.G.: Age Limit - 4 and ½ Years to 5 and ½ Year
and so on for further classes.
No written test, only interaction with parents and student. Special attention will be given to slow learners and gifted children.

Admission Procedure:
Registration : Registration starts from the month of December for Nursery to Class – II and later on Class – III to VIII admissions will be done from March onwards..Limited students will get the admissions for IX to XII classes after seeing their result and written test. The forms should be obtained from the school office between 9.00 a.m to 2.30 pm. only. No photocopy of the form will be accepted. No exchange of formsis permitted.The duly filled forms should be submitted to school office within 3 days of obtaining the forms, with the following documents.
1. Recent photograph of the student should be affixed on the form
2. An attested copy of the DOB certificated from the municipality or certificate
from the hospital issued at the time of birth.
3. Neither Affidavit nor kundli , as date of birth is acceptable. Change of date of birth will
not be entertained later.
Admission : Registration starts from the month of December for Nursery to Class – II and later on Class – III to VIII admissions will be done from March onwards..Limited students will get the admissions for IX to XII classes after seeing their result and written test. The forms should be obtained from the school office between 9.00 a.m to 2.30 pm. only. No photocopy of the form will be accepted. No exchange of formsis permitted.The duly filled forms should be submitted to school office within 3 days of obtaining the forms, with the following documents.
1. No child of less than 2 years 8 months and more than 3 years 4 months will be admitted to Nursery for higher classes add one year for each class.
2. The Transfer Certificate of a girl coming from outside must be countersigned by proper authorities irrespective of the class into which admission is being sought.
3. A pupil seeking admission must produce the Date of Birth Certificate issued by the municipal authorities or a Baptism Certificate, along with the Transfer Certificate.
4. Irrespective of the time of admission, fee will be charged from the beginning of the academic session.
5. No pupil will be admitted in any class higher than that for which the Transfer Certificate shows him/her to be eligible, nor will he/she be granted out of turn promotions.
6. Parents are required to purchase the Prospectus from the School Reception
The parents are given a tour of the school if desired by them. If the parents wish to proceed with the Admission, they need to fill the Registration Form (part of the Prospectus) and submit.
Along with the form, parents need to submit the following documents
1. Original plus one photocopy of the students Birth Certificate. (The original will be returned immediately after verification).
2. Photocopy of the previous class Report Cards for 3 years. (For Class VI and above).