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  In keeping with the tradition of the ancient Gurus, I would like to share a parable with the readers. Enveloped in the parable is a message which is true for all irrespective of their roles as student, parent or teacher.  An Arab sheikh was getting old in years. He felt it was time for him to name one of his sons as his successor. He had three sons who were triplets. He loved them all and could not decide whom to nominate for the throne. So he sent all the three off to distant lands. He promised that the one who comes back with the most useful of learning would head the empire.  The three went off to distant lands, attended universities and visited wise men and holy fakirs.  Making the best use of his learning , the first son invented magic glasses with which he could see any place situated anywhere on earth.  The second perfected a magic carpet. Sitting on to it, he could zoom to any part of the world before one could say Jack Robinson.  The third son invented a medicine that could cure any sickness.  After a year when the three came to the place they had decided upon, each one was confident that he had learnt what was most important.  They decided to reveal their wealth of learning to each other.  And lo and behold ! As the first son looked through his magic glasses , he saw his father on his death bed.They loved their father too well to let him die like that when they had learnt so much . Very promptly the second son invited the other two to hop onto his magic carpet and in no time they flew to their father's side. The third son took out his magical potion, administered it to his father and surprisingly enough the sheikh was cured.  Now the sheikh was puzzled once again as all the three sons had played equally vital roles in saving his life. Whom should he crown ? Whom should he call the best ?  This parable is not just another story to entertain us. It actually is a metaphor of education. The three brothers, none lesser than the other, work to give life to the sheik . In the educational scenario, these three brothers are -- the family , the school and the learner him/ herself.  All the three are indispensable and must work in sync to make the most of education.  Symbiotically yours in the cause of education,   Asha Chaturvedi  Director , Academics 

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