Hostel facility for girls is available on the campus itself. The hostel is equipped with all modern amenities and is built to house 70 boarders in its dormitories. Two wardens take care of the day-today affairs. The hostel mentor ( a firm , affectionate and motherly figure) who is a highly experienced senior teacher, plans for the growth and development of the girls including academics , health and fitness , and recreation. The Principal and Members of the Management take personal interest to offer quality life to the boarders
The College has a large Dining Hall that can accommodate around 800 students at a time. The food is vegetarian and cooked in a clean and mechanized , modern kitchen served on easy- to -clean stainless steel furniture . Children are served nutritionally balanced variety of dishes cooked to taste. The ingredients, quality and processes are closely monitored. The services of a nutrition expert are also taken from time to time.