Inter-House Word Power Quiz Competition
Inter-House Word Power Quiz Competition
July 25,2019
Queens’ College organized Word Power Competition for the students of Classes VI-VIII.The students were given four hundred words in a span of 40 days.The Word Power Competition was conducted in three legs.The first level was held on June 3,2019. It was awritten round which was open to all the 535 students of classes VI, VII and VIII .The criteria was knowledge of the four hundred words and understanding of syntax as well as lexicon of the language judged through dictation and writing meanings of the given words.At the end of the first round 20 students were selected from each house for a more comprehensive level comprising of solving a question paper which judged a student’s ability in puzzle, portmanteau, synonyms and antonyms.
The written round was conducted on July 9, 2019.The top scorer of the second round moved on to the third and the final round of Word Power Quiz held on July 25, 2019.Each house was represented by four participants.
Laxmi House – Aatifah Menon (VIII B), Poonam Sachdev ( VIII A), Shevena Advani (VIII B) and Keshvi Lakhotia (VIII C)
Ganga House – Mahak Jaiswal (VII D), Nandini Shrivastava(VIII B), Hemandree Khanduja (VIII E) and Anushka Gaur (VII A)
Ahilya House – Ashvika Gupta ( VII A), Aditi Patel (VII A) , Satakshi Rawat( VIII A) and Meghna Sinha (VII D)
Devi House – Mahima Gupta ( VIII A ), Ishita Hardia ( VIII A), Anushka Raghuvanshi (VIII C) and Gracy Budhwani (VII E)
The Inter House Word Power Quiz had 5 well defined rounds-The Visual Round where the teams had to identify the pictures, AV Round which posed challenge of listening audio tracksand respond the questions asked. The third round was of forming Anagrams and the fourth round included Kangaroo words where the synonym of the given word was concealed. The final round was of crossword puzzle wherein the top scorer was the one with the maximum number of solutions in minimum time.There was an audience round at the end enhancing the vocabulary of the students. TheQuiz was exciting with never a dull moment.The first position was bagged by Laxmi House with 190 points, the second position was shared by Ganga and Devi House each with 160 points and the fourth position went to Ahilya House with 120 points. The activity aimed at broadening the perspective of the students and creating interest among the students regarding vocabulary enhancement.