CBSE Affiliation No. 1030104

Investiture Ceremony 2019-2020

Investiture Ceremony  2019-2020

July 10, 2019


On the 10th of July 19, the Students’ Council was invested duties for the academic session 2019-20. A very grave and solemn occasion, commenced with the Council members marching with their flags held high, in synchronization with mighty, serious music that replicated the aura of the ceremony. A conscientious council of 43 members were meticulously screened through various rounds and chosen to make this special combination of students who have proved to be exceptional.


Lead by the top categories of 15 White Body members. One by one, each member marched on the stage to be badged and sashed by the dignitaries. In each mind was instilled a sense of pride and respect for the school. After a sincere oath-taking ceremony, Council members marched proudly to their strongholds in the corridor, and took their places with their waving flags symbolizing their aspirations for their respective responsibilities.


The Head Girl, gracefully delivered the first official addressal as badge holder. Each student of the school was instilled with a similar sense of pride and admiration on hearing their words of motivation. The parents of the Council Members, too, were filled with pride at the sight of their children marching steadily towards being leaders of tomorrow.

After a concluding speech by Deputy Head Girl, the ceremony came to a glorious end with a huge round of applause resonating in the quadrangle. In each eye was seen hope for a better, more successful tomorrow.


The ceremony marked a new beginning. A new beginning of ideas and leadership that aspire to serve the institution in its 25th foundation year with a gleaming future.The Queens family hopes that the Student Council for the scholastic year 2019-20 witnesses the zenith of success and progress in its term.