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Infrastructure & Facilities
Residential Campus

It you live in the campus, you will not only graduate better but also be exposed to a variety of cultural values as well as varied attitudes, a wonderful opportunity for personal growth & development. Hostel has spacious and well furnished rooms with all modern amenities and conveniences like an abundant supply of hot and cold water and regular electric supply supplemented by our own high power generators in case of power failure.

There is a spacious common room where the students enjoy their leisure time with modern recreational audio-visual facilities, indoor games, periodicals & books. Hostel is under the care of a warden who maintains medical, academic & personal progress records of your ward. Hostel remains well protected under the adequate security arrangement. It is a real Home away from Home.

Hostel Staff

In the traditional environment of `Gurukul' teachers give parental care to each and every student. Boarders are taught to live like an extended family in perfect harmony with all the residents of the campus.

To ensure that the hostel students are both colequaley looked after under warmly care for we have efficient, experienced, human and well trained warden and Asstt. Warden. They take keen interest in the physical and academic welfare of the charges deputed to their care.

Homework and Extra coaching

Study time is fixed for all resident students. The home task of the Junior students from Class VI to Class VIII is supervised by the resident teachers. Students required extra coaching in any subject arrangement are made according to them. For senior students of Class XI & XII if a good number of students are found to be interested in attending professional tutorial outside the campus other than extra coaching, the school may provide conveyance for the same.


A well appointed recreation center is equipped with a colour TV, video player, music system, newspapers, periodicals and a multitude of educational games. Besides, the school library has a good and varied selection of books which are at the disposal of the students. Occasionally, the students have social functions and are permitted visits to the city and the cinema. Hostel Socials are frequently arranged.


The school library is a temple of knowledge and heart of the College. It treasures number of precious Textbooks, comics, novels, encyclopedias, news papers, journals & magazines for the furtherance of knowledge & to keep the student abreast of the happenings around the world. The efficient library staff extends its help in exploring the books and required reading material &, provides due advise on study skills.

Health care

The institute has a qualified lady doctor and a fully equipped medical unit. The clinic, besides taking care of the health of the children also educate them a hygiene and preventive care, which is of utm importance at their growing age.

Pocket Money

Each boarder is permitted a monthly advance for personal expenditure as decided by the authorities. The students are strictly forbidden to hold with them more than the stipulated sum.

Cultural Club

Those inclined towards culture and arts get ample exposure to the same during school hours and enough time to pursue their chosen hobby after school gets over.

Laundry and Outfit upkeep

All clothing is mended and washed under the supervision of the hostel warden. Shoes are repaired by a cobbler who visits the hostel premises on set days of the week.

Special Leave

No outstation leave is permitted to the boarders other than what is prescribed. In case of emergency special leave may be granted on the sole discretion of the Principal.

Visitors and visiting hours

The boarders may meet their guardians or other visitors as permitted by their parents only on the stipulated visiting days and hours. No other visitors shall be entertained until prior permission from the parents is received. First & last Saturday of the month between 6.00-8.00 pm.

Letter writing & Telephone Calls

It is mandatory that the child writes to her home every Monday regarding her welfare. Boarders can receive telephone calls as per schedule given below:

Day Class Time
Wednesday VI-VII 9.15 pm. To 10.15 pm.
Friday VII-IX 9.15 pm. To 10.15 pm.
Saturday X-XII 9.15 pm. To 10.15 pm.
  • Parents and local guardians can visit their wards only on the stipulated days and time.
  • Local Exit shall be permitted only as per planned schedule.
  • Local Exit is permitted to only those students whose parents/local guardians are in station.
  • The hostel has its own medical unit and resident doctor Hence, no personal medicines allowed. Personal electric/ electronic gadgets/mobiles are strictly prohibited.
  • Boarders are not permitted to have any money other than the pocket money permitted.
    Boarders are not permitted to have with them items of jewellery, cosmetics or eatables than those permitted.
  • Any boarder arriving late after a vacation is liable to face disciplinary action.
  • A boarder may be asked to leave the hostel on account of indiscipline, bad conduct or neglect of academics.