Each child must carry her diary to school everyday. |
Every student in the campus must converse with each other in English only. |
Students who come to school on their own should arrive at the school before the bell rings for assembly. |
No books, magazines, papers (other than text books or library books), or mobile phones should be brought to the school. |
Lending or borrowing of money or other articles of fellow students or school staff is not allowed. |
Students who come to school escorted should never leave before escort arrives. In case of delay, they should report to the school office. |
Parents and guardians must not visit their wards or teachers without prior permission of the principal. |
A child who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue her studies in the school. |
Students using the school bus are expected to maintain discipline in the bus. Bus facility will be withdrawn in cases where discipline is not maintained. |
The college premises should not be littered with disposable tumblers, wrappers or polyethylene begs, If in case these items are used, care should be taken not to dispose them off on the school grounds. |
Care must be taken not to spoil or pluck flowers or plant leaves. |